Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Feeling guilty

I am feeling guilty because I haven't blogged in a week. I have been thinking about different subjects, but nothing is really blog-worthy yet. We were going to go to an art fair over the weekend, but chores & shopping and football - lots of football - got in the way. The art fair would have been something interesting to write about though so it's too bad we didn't go.

This is an interesting week at work because they encourage us "office" folks to work in the stores to help out during the busy holiday rush. Actually this happens all over the company, not just in Austin. We can do this at Christmas too. In the past I have worked in grocery and bakery. Today, I'll be in produce & floral. Very different muscles are used working in the store than sitting in my chair, answering emails & talking on the phone all day (like no muscles are required for that!). I am always thoroughly exhausted after a shift in the store! but hopefully it will be good fodder for a blog.

I've been amused recently by dogs in cars. They are just so cute. And so many people in Austin drive their dogs around with them. This one was in front of me the other day on my way into the office. Notice the "Animal Friendly" license tags (Steffi and I have these too!)
These gorgeous pups were parked at the Breed's hardware store. Aren't they sweet? My dogs would be jumping out and barking and otherwise not well-behaved.

Have a great day!!

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