Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Party - aka Cliffordpollooza 2

Saturday was the party Mike's parents hosted for us. It was held at the Ortley Beach Lifeguard station, which was sort of like a church hall. It was catered by Joe Leone's and the Italian food was delicious! We enjoyed leftover meatball and chicken parm in sandwiches for lunch today. More leftovers are in store for us for dinner at the Mike's parents' house this evening. Here are a few photos:

The tables were decorated with sand pails and beach umbrellas.

See the western hats? it was fun to see people mold the brim styles to their taste. Some people looked really GOOD in them!

We had a reggae band that played for us. We did a conga line.

We danced

Some people did the limbo using a post from one of the umbrellas!

One of the great things about this party was getting photographs of the extended family. Here is the entire party

Here are the "cousins" into which Steffi and Duncan have been welcomed with open arms

And here are the 7 of us.

A bunch of people came by the New Brunswick house immediately after the party and then most of us ended up at the Crabs Claw - and danced to the same band who had played our party. (they were busy on Saturday evening!)

Sunday was a rainy day. We all needed time to recover anyway. I will blog later about our Sunday evening trip to the boardwalk.

Having a super time, wish you were here!

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