Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We had a lovely day. Good weather, good food, great friends. Too many presents. Steffi has the "annual photo" on her camera so I will add that later.

Mike had the camera in his hands for a few minutes and I think he took this of himself :) Silly Mike!

I will mention that the cranberries DID NOT gel and instead we had cranberry soup. It actually tasted ok and some of us put it on our beef tenderloin and it was good. In addition to the tenderloin and cranberry "soup" we had Leslie's mashed potatoes, 2 versions of the sweet potato casserole (marshallows for the "kids" and a grown-up version with pecans), green beans with toasted almonds, and bread. After dinner I made peppermint mochas (yup, a mocha espresso with peppermint syrup, whipped cream and crushed candy canes - just like Starbucks makes!), coffee, and Una's famous Christmas pudding. I really should have used my camera more so you could visually enjoy all of this. Everything was yummy.

The day was so busy that we forgot to sit down and enjoy our stockings! So we will have those to do today.

And then there was the clean up.... I am not sure we have had this massive a mess before!

Wishing all of you a Merry Christmas!!!

PS. Here is the annual photo. Steffi's fancy camera managed to get us all blurry, but you get the idea.

1 comment:

Barb Matijevich said...


I think Topher looks like he would kill you over that outfit if he was just a little taller.

Merry Christmas!