Saturday, January 31, 2009

at the airport

Yesterday was a really good day. It was mostly sunny and much of the treacherous ice in the driveway had melted by the time we returned from our errands. I checked this morning and the towels we had put down for Lori to walk from her car into the garage were frozen solid to the ground! The front walk still looks like it has about 2 inches of solid thick ice. Luckily no one needs to use the front door.

Mom and I got a lot accomplished on Thursday and Friday. It's too bad we lost 2 days to the snow and ice, otherwise we could have made even more progress this week. We continue to learn new things about support services for seniors and important lessons learned from almost everyone we talk to. While we were out yesterday I ran into Wally World and purchased a carbon monoxide detector for their home, too. I used O's credit card and had to sign "Mrs. O." LOL. I messed up on the electronic device the first time but fortunately there is a clear button and I remembered to sign it as Mom directed me to the second time. Luckily the cashier did not ask me for an id to match the credit card because Mom was waiting in the car.
Now I am at the airport and have 2 more hours before my flight. I rode here in a shuttle from the eastern shore with 2 other men and the driver and we had interesting conversations. You never know who you are going to run into when riding on these buses. One of them is a 6th generation eastern shore farmboy and now operates an aerial photography business. That link will take you to his business website which has lots of great photos of the eastern shore. He used to be a blimp pilot! (As an aside, stating that as your line of work sounds like it would have a similar success rate as a "pick up line" as if you said you were a zamboni driver.) He is in the process of organizing a website to post photos of environmental concerns so that the agencies who are supposed to protect our environment are embarassed into taking action. Apparently he has reported several potential offenses to the Coast Guard and Dept of Natural Resources and neither agency did anything. I wish him success with that - we need more people like him who care and try to preserve our environment.
On the way into the airport we saw the Southwest plane painted as the Maryland flag. I have flown on their planes painted like Shamu, but had no idea there were any other themes. I walked over to the A gates to see if it was still there to get a photograph, but it was gone. I found this photo on this SWA website:
There are 10 planes painted with state themes, one of them is Texas!

Pretty cool. Only an hour and half until flight time! I wonder if I will get to fly Shamu or Maryland One or one of the other themed planes!?

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