The middle of the week already! Today I got up a few minutes earlier than yesterday so that I could get some exercise in before work AND then get back in bed and read the paper AND still make it to work for an 8:30 conference call. I had to get on the call while still in the parking garage so the timing wasn't perfect. Oh well - I made the call and got a space so there are no complaints!
To make up for no exercise yesterday I did double duty today - morning and evening for about 1 and a quarter hours and over 5 miles on the treadmill. I don't run the whole time, I walk a lot still. It's the duration that I want to keep up. Anyway it feels good and I think I can keep this up.
In other news of the number 5 - I counted the number of turns that the muffin plate made it before falling off the back of Kerry Lynn's car and it was 5.
Steffi and I worked out a plan today for her meals at school this semester where she will not feel compelled to buy everyone's lunch at the end of the year because she still has unspent dining hall meals. Hopefully by the time she graduates in 2012 (!) we will have determined the ideal combination of meal plan dollars and money for her to cook on her own. If we do, I promise to share the secret.
Update on Marilyn - still has the bag on her head but today someone has moved her to one side of the room, kind of parallel to the wall. No sign of the previous occupant of that office though.
3 days ago
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