Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Muffin Mystery or the Fate of the Plate

The following is a true story that made us laugh this evening so I decided it was blog-worthy. Besides, it will distract you from wondering how many miles I did on the treadmill today.

Duncan and I have been pretty regularly spending Monday evenings together. Sometimes we go to movies, sometimes a haircut and dinner. Last night was dinner and a passport photo.

I know, that is not very interesting, but it is what it is and we had a nice time together. While the passport photo was being processed we ran over to the HEB and I picked up a few things, including some poppyseed muffin mix so I could make my beloved son's favorite muffins for his breakfast. When we got home, I made the muffins and in the morning I lovingly left three out on a plate covered with saran along with a note to have a nice day. I have recreated this for your visualization.
I had to leave before he needed to get up so I phoned him at the predetermined time to wake him up and wish him a nice day again. I reminded him that I left his favorite muffins made with love on the counter for him to heat up for breakfast.

By the way, I have found a flaw with my new oven. It only beeps once when the timer goes off and if you don't hear that one beep you are out of luck. Fortunately poppyseed muffins generate a really strong smell when they bake so I got them out before they were completely burned.

Back to the muffin mystery! This evening I got home and noticed two things: 1. that Duncan had called the home number around 9:30 a.m. and 2. there was a message blinking on the answering machine. Most messages are just junk and I just erase them without listening, but for some reason I decided to listen to the messages in case Duncan had actually left one. Which he had. The message went something like this. "Um, hello, this is Duncan. Kerry Lynn, if you can hear this, I was looking for something in the garage and um left a plate of muffins on your spare tire and um, I'm at work now, and um I didn't want you to back over them or anything. So um, I lost all the numbers in my phone so I don't know your cell phone. Okay, I hope you see them. Bye!"

After I heard the message I peaked out the window to see if there was a shattered plate and muffin crumbs all over the driveway and there wasn't. I figured that either Kerry Lynn had indeed driven over the muffin plate and cleaned it up or a miracle had occurred and she had found the muffins before driving away put them someplace safe. I checked the trash can and the fridge, but there was no trace in either location. Hmm.

Later this evening when I got home from watching TV with Mike, I asked Kerry Lynn 'what happened to the muffins?' She gave me a very puzzled look. I played the message from the answering machine and then Kerry Lynn burst out laughing! Apparently this morning as she drove out of the neighborhood she turned the last corner and heard a loud crashing sound - like breaking glass. She looked in her rear view mirror and all she could see was a little bit of paper or something so she continued on her way and didn't give it a second thought until just now. I reckon that muffin plate made it about a mile riding on the top of her spare tire before it met its fate. Hope the deer enjoyed the muffins and didn't get cut on the glass!

I still love you Duncan!!

On another subject, it looks like someone got tired of looking at Marilyn so cheerful all day

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