Friday, September 12, 2008

Weekend preparations

Everyone is preparing for Ike this weekend. I am preparing for poo. Yes, Petey is visiting for the weekend. And his visits mean everyone has loose bowels. In the house.

I am determined to avoid as much indoor poo as possible this weekend. Which might be a challenge if we get rain from Ike and we have to stay indoors. I was caught off guard this morning and everyone poo-ed on the floor. In the living room, in the foyer, in my closet. Oh, and there was pee in the bathroom, only not in the toilet, on the floor. I did not take pictures so you will have to use your imagination. It is clearly not just Petey who "loses it" in the house when he visits. It is also Topher. Boys!!! My girls, Choco and Boo, have good bowel and bladder control.

I got little sleep last night. With both boys (Topher and Petey) on the bed, we were all restless. I finally realized that Petey was thirsty and needed to go out for a drink and a pee at 3 a.m. Then 2 of the 3 of us got some sleep.

Tonight I am determined to get a good night's sleep. So everyone needs to have enough to drink and lots of potty breaks so we do not need to get up in the night. I took a break from watching 20/20 and Charlie Gibson's interview with Sarah Palin and I sat in the driveway.

I had a good view of the moon. It is getting hazy-cloudy with Ike approaching.

I haven't sat in the driveway at night in a long time. We used to do it on summer nights occasionally. Especially when Choco was a puppy. Choco sat close to me, I guess to protect me...or for me to protect her.

And most importantly, Petey did his bizness!!
Tonight, I hope to get a good sleep. I also pray that everyone who lives along the Texas coast, in the path of Ike, has left there and is also sleeping safe and soundly inland.

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