Friday, August 7, 2009

Lucky for us the weatherman was wrong!

Thursday started out rainy. Really rainy. That kind of rainy that seems like it will never stop. Rhythmic drip drip drip off the roof kind of rainy.
A good day for shopping though! We straggled out of the house at noon to purchase a digital converter for the TV that Mike's brother donated to the house. Without our government coupon it would have cost $55 (vs $15 with the coupon) so we decided that we had lived this long without a TV we could survive the rest of our trip without it. Oh well. We had excellent sandwiches for lunch at that Charlies place in Chadwick Beach. Then the sun came out and we went to the beach. Well, I took a nap and then went to the beach. As usual with rainy days here the sunset was fabulous!!

It is sunny this morning and I am excited to start a new book - The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, recommended by Meg.

Having a great time - WYWH!

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