Monday, August 10, 2009

Our last day at the beach

Today was the hottest day this year here all summer. And it was nowhere near as hot as our average day in June in Texas. The ocean was perfectly calm with only the occasional wave, so not a great body-surfing day. But a great last-day-at-the-beach-day for us. We may get a few hours in the sand tomorrow before we have to leave, but just in case, we have been pretending that this is our last day and trying to make the most of it.

See how calm the water is?I had my good camera at the beach today so I got a close-up of this bird.

and this bird

and this hunky lifeguard rowing the boat in the ocean.

Tonight we are going to the boardwalk again. What better way to spend our last night here than riding rides and enjoying boardwalk fries, $2 beers and softserv ice cream? Maybe not exactly in that order.
Having a wonderful time, wish you were here!

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

Not in that order? That's right. Beer first. ;D