Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bob at the Nutty Brown

Brandy and Steffi went with us to see Bob last night at the Nutty Brown. Earlier in the day we had helped Brandy's Mom pack up her house because she is moving later this week. Bob played a greatest hits show with lots of his good older stuff mixed in with his really good newer stuff. There were families in the audience so he cleaned up the lyrics to a PG level. Well, mostly. The R stuff he just sang really fast so you couldn't understand the words unless you knew them. He played "Mud House" "Bombonanza" "(the song about the large spider who not shall be named)" "Deep Blue Sea" and "Forty Dogs (Romeo and Juliette)" - those alone would have made for a great show. I will buy some Frunk certificates and download the show later this week. If you don't know what that means you need to go to more Bob shows.

Harmony Kelly, the bass player, had on a short jeans skirt, western boots and these great net things on her legs. The men could not get enough of this sight!

My house is one of the dozen or so homes in a neighborhood "open house" today from 2-4. I need ALL OF YOU to think positive thoughts so someone buys the house soon!

Earlier today I made Steffi and Abby some "finals week" goodie bags to help keep them motivated through the next ten days or so. They have 3 days of class this week, 2 study days and then finals start next Saturday through Friday May 9th. Good luck girls! Can't wait for you both to be up here in Austin next fall!!

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