Sunday, April 19, 2009

I am so useful!

I am very blogful today. I should have waited for a lull in my week, but I just couldn't resist sharing this with you asap.

Many moons ago I treated myself to a new showerhead. It is luxurious. It is a showerhead that once you have experienced it, nothing else will do.

Mike's house has a plethora of shower heads, 4 in fact, 2 on each side of the shower. But even when they are all on, the experience falls short of the one at my house. Mike knew he had to convert - and fast - or I might move out or something (just kidding!). So he purchased a new Waterpik showerhead just like mine. Who knew Waterpik made devices that weren't just for cleaning teeth?! Danny was going to come by today to install it. I was so excited!! But then the lock-out thing happened and something came up with Danny too, so I was feeling disappointed.

Did I dare try to install it myself???

YES!! I dared!!!

And voila....

(Don't panic Mike, it works and doesn't even drip in the back. And I put all of your tools back exactly where I found them. Really. I think they are close at least.)

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