Friday, April 24, 2009

Not a blogilicious week obviously

Mike complained last night that I hadn't blogged in awhile. Well, it was more of an observation than a real complaint. It is hard to blog during the week, you know work gets in the way of my busy social activity schedule and sometimes there is just nothing blog-worthy going on. And besides that I thought to myself "We live together now so what could you possibly learn from my blog that I didn't already share with you?" Then last night he had a dream that I was doing things and not telling him. When I heard that, I realized several things. One, I'd better blog on a regular basis even if there is really nothing new! Two, we need to get Mike set up on Facebook and Twitter. I have been playing around with these social networking toys and he can't see all of the important and very witty things I post and read about others unless he has accounts. LOL.

So, world - get ready for Mike to join the big social networking party this weekend! Watch for him to write on all of your walls and tweet about going to see Bob Schneider on Saturday!

Here are some random pictures of creatures we saw in the bird sanctuary at Galley Bay. I don't remember sharing many of these with you. Happy 1 month anniversary to us today, too!

I like this one because you can see the bird's mirror-image in the water.This is one of my favorite critters. It is a mongoose. He is cutely ugly.

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

Seeing the mongoose makes me think of that one movie I watched when I was little... what was it? Riki Tiki Tavi or something?