Friday, March 13, 2009

And another project...

I just can't help it. Mike is out of town and it is raining, so what would you expect me to be doing? I know...there are lots of other things I could be doing. But the photographer is coming on Monday to take pictures of the house and I woke up this morning motivated to do a project. That was in the morning though and after getting my work work done I had a little less motivation, but Steffi wanted to run an errand (see her blog tomorrow) so I purchased some paint. They say a fresh coat of paint in a neutral color helps make a house look more presentable. That's my trusty drop cloth up above. You can see that it has participated in so many projects in this house!

Now ....out with the wine colored walls...

but first a coat of primer is needed

all primed!

Now I am too tired to do any more painting so I will just have a glass of wine and catch up on some old TV shows. Night!

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