Monday, July 21, 2008

More birthday stuff

Saturday was the continuation of birthday stuff for Duncan, including his 3rd cake:
With several helpers putting the bday candles on the cake, I really wasn't sure if we got 17 or 27 on there. It sure looks like a lot though! The nice shirt is a gift from his grandmother. He wore it: a) because he knew I would be taking pictures and wanted to look nice or b) because it was the only clean shirt in his closet. I think b. But he does like it. Bet he is even wearing it to work today.
Saturday was also Mike's birthday, which we celebrated by going to see Todd Rundgren at Antones. We were supposed to meet up with some other friends there but once inside there was no way we could find them, it was so crowded. I haven't been to Antones with such a large crowd - ever. Mike said he had. Anyway, Todd put on a really good show. It was extremely warm inside and all the band members were completely drenched in sweat by the end. I was shocked that he has no visible tattoos. Most other rockers (think Tommy Lee) are covered with them. It was kind of nice.

I tried to post a video, but it was taking too long, so I probably need to edit it before posting.

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